Deciding with Support website
A toolkit of resources on supported decision making for everyone involved in positive behaviour support.
Promoting PBS Practice website
Provides introductory information about PBS, and access to learning resources and a quality assurance tool for practitioners.
BSPA Member Logo
The BSPA Member logo may be used by each BSPA member to identify themselves as members of BSPA.
Journal Of Positive Behaviour Interventions
Offers sound, research-based principles of positive behavior support for use in school, home and community settings with people with challenges in behavioral adaptation.
Academic Readings & References
Including both international and Australian publications relevant to PBS in home and community.
International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support
Read IJPBS with your BSPA free member BILD access.
Australian PBS literature (specific to home and community)
Includes only Australian publications relevant to PBS in home and community.
Wanting to pursue a PBS related qualification?
A list of PBS-related qualifications including information and a link to each course.